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  /  Itineraries   /  The Royal Film Festival in Specchia

The Royal Film Festival in Specchia

the Borgo di Specchia, with its alleys and houses at court, hosts for a week, in July, the event “CINEMA DEL REAL”

event dedicated to documentary cinema and creative exchanges. Now in its 15th edition, conceived by BIG SUR, and directed by Paolo Pisanelli, they alternate with screenings of documentaries, art films and workshops for children, where nothing is left to chance. Specchia so becomes the epicenter of culture, looks on different worlds, all enlivened by the colored lights that sponsors Parisi Luminarie put at disposal. Thus the terrace of Palazzo Risolo becomes a terrace of sounds, colors, where musical artisans entertain the visitor until dawn. In past editions when our apartment was still to be restored, we granted it to the organization as a venue for photographic exhibition in addition to participation as a sponsor of a musical evening with the artisans Rocco Nigro and Rachele Andrioli.

This year the Cinema del Reale will be held in Specchia from 18 to 21 July, the themes for the 2018 edition are faces / wars / changes.

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